How to Re-configure Yourself to Lead and Succeed

One of the worst dilemmas I have observed in the school of success is that many people are not positioning themselves for what they want to attract and this is as a result of their history of wrong programming. For example, a young man strongly desires to be wealthy but when you recommend an event that you consider a must-attend for him, he walks away because “ the price is scary .” No wonder, my friend, Ezekiel Solesi, a fine strategist, remarked that “ We need to go from asking people what they want to ask them what they are ready to work for. ” The illustration also reminds me of the rich young ruler who consulted Jesus to know what he had to do to inherit eternal life. When Jesus prescribed that he should sell all he had and come to follow Him, the young man walked away sorrowful because he had many possessions. Isn’t it rather odd that the young man in my illustration is turned off by the price of a significant event that could move him closer to his dreams? He l...