The Art of Thinking Outside the Box (Part 1)

You have probably heard of the awe-inspiring story of the Bata company. At the close of the nineteenth century, when Africa was just opening as a market, all the manufacturers of shoes in Victorian England sent their representatives to conduct market research to see the possibility of selling their wares here in Africa. The awful realization that Africans didn’t wear shoes led to the poor conclusion that there was no market for shoe products in Africa. But one salesman stood out. “Nobody in Africa wears shoes. So, there is a huge market for our products there.” Boom! That out-of-the-box reasoning did the magic and today, Bata shoes have come to be known as the shoes of Africa and have reached some of the remotest parts of Africa. Bata boasts of its presence in over 5,300 shops in more than 70 countries and production facilities in 18 countries. Bata’s story reveals that creativity and innovation are functions of vision and perspective: how you see determines what you se...