The Price of Greatness is Responsibility

Among the numerous figures that have shaped the history of mankind and the civilization of the modern world, one man I greatly admire is Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, the famous Prime Minister of Britain, who led the victory over Adolf Hitler in World War II.
Churchill was a man of passion, courage and responsibility. He saw himself as one without whom history would never be complete. More than anyone else, he understood and epitomized Robert Schuller’s popular maxim, “If it’s gonna be, it’s up to me!” Churchill once remarked, “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” And yes! he was an architect of history.
In 1940, as the battle of Britain loomed, Churchill charged his people thus: “Let us, therefore, brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.”
I must admit that I have not recovered from that statement myself since the very first day I read it. In fact, to believe that a human actually wrote and uttered them at a time of national distress is actually incredible! The remark masterfully reflects Churchill’s intentionality as well as his sense of purpose and responsibility.
In every sphere, the world needs men and women of responsibility; people who can take the heat and provide direction, solution and encouragement by their outlook and response to life’s challenges. Indeed, responsibility makes the man – and profits everyone around him.
When you run away from responsibility, you run ten times fast away from relevance. I always say that right from when I was a child in primary school, when people are given responsibilities and they query, “Why me?”, I usually ask myself, “Why not me?” I put myself in conditions that stretch me and help uncover the possibilities in my potentials. Eventually, I shine by burning.
Like Churchill, I urge you to take responsibility for the results you want to see onwards and give no excuses for not achieving them. Choose to be part of those who define history. Dare to go the extra mile that most would not go. Do more and become more!
And guess what? Responsibility not only upgrades your performance, but it also stretches your vision. The art of seeing and fulfilling vision is best understood by experience rather than an explanation. And from personal experience, I have realized that there are certain visions you would never see until you quit complaining and start doing. Wise King Solomon puts it this “Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might.”
The more you do, the farther you see; and the more you see, the better you will live. This is one legitimate reason why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
What then is the conclusion of the whole matter? Take R.E.S.P.O.N.S.I.B.I.L.I.T.Y
To your greatness,
Bright UK
The Chief Scribe


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