To My New NCCF Family House Members (7)

Hello Jesus Corper,

Gracious greetings to you.

By now you know that if you merely couched to endure the regimentation of the NYSC Camp with the intent that you will be free from such once you get into the NCCF Family house, you are wrong. As a matter of fact, there are perhaps more rules and regulations in the Family House than there are at the Camp which you came from.

Many Jesus Corpers have often argued that the family house ought to be free from such rules, because we are no longer under the law but under grace; moreover, rules merely make us shallow and religious rather than authentic in our dealings with God and man.

While I might agree partially with them, I have a better understanding and posture of heart, given my first-hand experience of living in the family house and being the chief enforcer of compliance to the rules during my tenure there. It is therefore a noble intent for me in this epistle to enlighten you as well as guide you to effective use of the rules, in order to help you maximize its gains for personal and communal benefits.

In the first place, it is good to know that rules in the family house did not just come to be; they evolved with time. Many of them were enacted circumstantially; that is, they were established to restore order at the instance of a particular misdemeanour, as well as to prevent further occurrence of such.  Besides, they are continuously reviewed to befit present realities.

Hence, we realize that rules are adopted to ensure responsibility of individuals and sanity of communities. Even an individual lives by rules to preserve, protect, and prosper his person, not to talk of when he dwells with another. As matter of fact, if two individuals must coexist, there must be rules that keep them together. Many of these rules are usually unwritten and unspoken; they are simply taken as common sense.

This phenomenon is replete in our respective families. There are existing rules in in our homes that are not written anywhere, but we nonetheless honour them by strict compliance. As we come together in NCCF as a family formed by people from different backgrounds, we must realize that there is bound to be diversity of taste, interest and opinions.

That reminds me of statements I made in a previous epistle. Due to differences in perspective and opinions, conflicts and hurts are bound to occur; hence, the necessity of rules. When we constrain ourselves to these rules which are made in the interest of most, if not all, we show that we are considerate of one another and demonstrate love in practical terms.

It is on this note that I affirm that if any man really seeks to know God, he will find even God’s reflections in the laws kept by His people, rather than succumbing to lifeless rituals and spiritless religion.

And this is why I don’t think the rules of the family house are primarily a matter that should bring us into argument about grace and law. But if anyone is contentious, let him understand that while in grace, rules may also help us to keep our bodies under so that we don’t bring ourselves again under the dominion of sin and eventually become disapproved of God! In fact, we are not subject to laws merely for the sake of sin, but for the sake of Christ.

As I round off this epistle, I want to finally admonish you that there are many things you would not understand until you experience them. There are some rules you would wish to be expunged until you are confronted with a situation that reveals their significance.

Nevertheless, in whatever you do, let the fear of God and love for His people guide your heart. If these two scriptural principles rule you under the governance of the Holy Spirit, you would be much more responsible than the rules of the family house can ever constrain you to be. And you would have played a great part in preserving a great heritage for posterior generations. That is a good way to write your name in gold!

Remain blessed.

Warm regards,
Bright Ukwenga,
2015/2016 General Secretary,
NCCF Bauchi

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  1. I love your this. Please permit me to print this and share in our family house at Yobe.

  2. That's okay. You may do so with the rest also.

    God bless you.


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