To My New NCCF Family House Members (8)

Hello Jesus Corper,

Gracious greetings to you.

Indeed I always feel blessed to write to you, and my joy has been on constant increase ever since. I want you to know that for us as Senior Friends of the Family, you are our pride, the crown of our labours during our respective tenures in NCCF.

In my previous epistle, I wrote to furnish you with understanding of the essence of rules in NCCF Family House. And most times, where rules exist, we expect to have ‘rulers’ who uphold the rules by exemplifying and enforcing compliance to them. They are the ones against whom we measure ourselves. In our own setting, we refer to them as leaders, and categorize them according to their differing levels of responsibility; and to them we ascribe great honour and respect.

These Leaders are Jesus Corpers like you and necessarily so, in order for them to relate with your peculiar experiences as Christian Corps members; and hence, to be considerate enough when upholding the rules among you. But it is also important to know that as individuals, they are equal with you; but in organizational matters, as relating to their official positions, they are superior. So you should not take them for granted or trivialize their work in any way.

The term ‘superiority’ usually sounds odd to many people. In fact, some people would even argue that we all have to be equal in all things, not superior or inferior in any way to one another, especially in the body of Christ. My answer to such people is that in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, life does not thrive merely on equality, but necessarily on hierarchy.

Take your body as a living organism for an example; leadership lies with the head. To the head is attached the five sense organs, as well as the brain that directs the entire body. While all organs of the body are equally significant, the head has exclusive control.

Beloved, there is an essential difference between being significant and being vested with power according to hierarchy. Besides, power comes with grave responsibilities. The higher you are on the ladder, the more rules you have to keep; your rights reduce and your responsibilities increase. You will know this by acquainting yourself with your leaders.

Let me quickly state categorically that your present leaders did not create the rules; they met most of the rules. Interestingly, your leaders might not even be comfortable with some of the rules. And while some of them can be reviewed, it might not be as easy as you think.

Also, your leaders sometimes might want to absolve you of the rules, but they feel handicapped; because when they look at the big picture, they might just be very cautious to avoid creating an imbalance that disrupts the health of the community. Furthermore, as I mentioned earlier, your leaders are subject to more rules than you, and they have to adhere to their own discomfort, being considerate of you.

To avoid unpleasant experiences with leaders, you should always discern the state of your leaders and relate with them as such; know when they are expressing themselves as individual family members and friends with you, and know when they are playing their roles as leaders. Do not confuse both; refuse not to associate with them as individuals, and do not misconstrue their legal exercise of authority for a show of pride.

Scripturally speaking, leaders should be honoured for their work sake. It pays you well to help them labour with joy. I will stop here not for sake of brevity.

But always remember that God is counting on you.

Remain blessed.

Warm regards,
Bright Ukwenga,
2015/2016 General Secretary,
NCCF Bauchi

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