Hello Jesus Corper,

Gracious greetings to you.

To buttress the non-denominational and interdenominational nature of NCCF, it is good to note that we study, teach and preach the Bible as it is. We do not see Scriptures through the veil of our denominational bias. We preach Jesus, not our ‘G.O’.

That does not mean that we disregard our fathers; on the contrary, we honour them. Besides, we even have ministers from several denominations as patrons at national, state and zonal levels; however, we do not idolize any and we do not allow doctrinal differences to tear us apart. We simply test all things and hold on to what is true.

Our fellowship is of the apostolic order; people from different backgrounds, races, tongues and tribes under heaven dwelling together in one accord. We continue steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine, constantly studying the word of God and tarrying fervently in prayers. We are a people of strong spiritual culture. I make bold to say that the spiritual atmosphere I found in the fellowship is one I have hardly found in any local church ever since.

Besides, you will discover that there are robust disciplinary codes that run through the system, especially with regards to staying in the family house. Our standards are so set as a precautionary measure to curb our fleshly tendencies; this does not imply that we doubt our spirituality, but we recognize and admit our humanity.

More importantly, those noble laws keep us communally responsible and help us furnish a good heritage for posterior generations. We understand that due to our background differences, there is bound to exist a variety of perspectives and opinions on different subjects that matter, and such could lead to unnecessary conflicts and hurts; hence, to prevent these unpleasant results, we adopt certain standpoints that we reckon as most favourable and constrain ourselves through love to act accordingly, as we consider one another. We die to our selfish interests in order to sustain the health of the family.

Furthermore, we do not look down on each other; instead, we look after each other, strengthening ourselves daily. We mourn and rejoice together; we care and share with one another. I am persuaded that the relational bonds that are initiated among some family members during the course of their youth service will be carried to death!

But permit me to strike a very important point here. Even in the midst of such a large community of believers, you could still be lonely. The reason is not far-fetched. It is like beholding a pill beside you while you are ill. Unless you allow the spirit of family to take you over, you will still be individualistic in your perceptions, perspectives and pursuits. You will keep to yourself the burdens that some other persons are blessed to relieve you of.

So instead of giving into this plague, release yourself to this blessed company and let God work through you to bless lives, and work through them to bless you.

Once again, I welcome you to this blessed family, an enclave of love where God reigns supreme!

Warm regards,
Bright Ukwenga,
2015/2016 General Secretary,
NCCF Bauchi

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