Favour is to Men of Skill!

If you put on a dark shade, everything would likely appear dark to you regardless of how bright they are. While people don’t always wear physical shades, no mind is without shade. Therefore, as humans, we always interpret life with a psychological pair of lenses (otherwise known as our mind map or mental frame or mindset) formed by the information we acquire over time from stories we are told, as well as our education and experiences. No wonder, memoirist Anais Nin long said, “ We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are ,” for as a man thinks, so is he. When lazy people ponder Solomon’s ancient muse, “ Favour is not to men of skill ,” they interpret it to suit their lazy disposition to life. They say things like “ Favour does not come by labour ” “ You don’t need to be so skilful; once it’s your time, it’s your time .” They end up with an entitled mentality, telling you to “ Better help me now otherwise when it is my time I will not look at your si...