Restoring Reading Culture

Hello Family, Happy New Month to you! Discussing yesterday on the issue of Eroding Reading Culture and the Way Out with Bayode Treasures-Olawunmi, the holder of the Guinness World Record for the Longest Readathon was an amazing experience! Our hosts, Justin Akadonye and co., spiced up the show with thought-provoking questions that explored the issue really deep, bringing intelligence, excellence, charisma, and fun on display. The programme was aired live on Galaxy TV from 10-11am via the following channels: DSTV 258, GOTV 99, STAR TIMES 110. We highlighted some factors eroding our reading culture including lack of awareness on the importance of reading, low literacy levels in the country, inadequate parental involvement, short attention span due to early exposure and subsequent addiction to social media, incompetence of teachers, especially primary and secondary schools, etc. To solve these issues, we pointed out that it is better and easier to prepa...