As I speak to various aspiring authors and other people who want to undertake creative tasks, I have discovered one major issue that threatens realization of their dreams – self-doubt.

Self-doubt is pondering constantly, “Am I good enough?” “Am I really an expert on this subject?” “Can I really write a book worth reading?” “Haven’t others already written on this subject before now?” “Who would care to read my book if I published it?”

Simply put, self-doubt is a self-inflicted limitation, and because it is situated in the mind, it is usually not obvious to other people. Only when people speak out can they really be helped.

In fact, while they keep thinking that way, they find out that many less experienced and less competent people are publishing resources that these professionals consider below par compared to what they can do – whereas the ‘charlatans’ (so they appear) are gaining all the recognition and accolades. This leaves the self-doubting professional envious and miserable.

Perhaps, fear is good because we need a measure of tension within to keep us alert, active and productive; but extreme fear is a terrible thing because it robs us of our opportunities. Besides, in every fear is a hidden lie. Once you can deal with the myth, you can adjust your mindset, face the facts and defeat the fear.

So, how do I help self-confessed doubters deal with their fears in this regard?

First, I help them to see that they are asking the wrong questions. Instead of querying your ability, why not query your disability? Instead of asking “Why me?,” ask, “Why not me?” “If I don’t write, who would read me?” “What opportunities am I missing out on because of not writing?”

Then I help them consider one important fact that is relatively unknown: You don’t have to be an expert to write a book but you have to write a book to be an expert. Read that again and let it sink in. And before you try to counter it, think about the experts that are widely known – they most likely have a book to their name.
John Maxwell on Leadership, Myles Muroe on Purpose, Robert Cialdini on Influence and Persuasion etc. It means that regardless of what you know, a book is crucial to being recognized as an expert. Furthermore, writing a book involves thorough research that helps to educate you and upgrade your knowledge and competence in the process. So, why not begin?

Or you that think you shouldn’t write because others have already written on your chosen subject? Well, remember John the beloved. He didn’t need to write a fourth gospel decades after three other well-detailed accounts about Jesus’ life and ministry had already been published. And when you consider the excellence that Luke applied to his presentation, you’d think that John’s gospel wouldn’t receive any attention. But without the book of John, we wouldn’t know that Jesus resurrected Lazarus from the dead; we wouldn’t know about the water-to-wine miracle at the wedding which we frequently talk about today, and we wouldn’t even know John 3:16! Some theologians and Bible scholars have even described the book of John as the most beautiful piece in the New Testament.

The key point here is that there is always room for you – and you have to take it! You have a unique flavour that cannot be found anywhere and the world is waiting to receive it. Remember, humans like variety.

Besides, while others might have written on your desired subject for a particular audience, why not focus on another audience that is underserved? For example, if others wrote for the American audience, why not write for Africans? If a book has been published for businessmen, why not write for believers or ministers? (Think of Habits of Highly Effective Christians by Ron Meyers?) Other demographical factors that can help you redefine your audience include age, gender, skill level, education level, income level, marital status, religion, etc.

Then there is the issue of being knowledgeable, but not being good at writing – which is perhaps the easiest issue to deal with. While you can sign up with a writing coach to polish your writing skills, writing and publishing are easier than ever. You can simply transcribe recorded audio from your previous speaking engagements or even interview and record yourself, then transcribe. Give that rough piece to a good editor and he will get a good book out of it.

So, you see that you’ve got no excuse. In 2019, you must write that book, start that blog, create that website, start that business. Do whatever you have always done in order to get what you have always wanted!

To your success,

Bright UK
The Chief Scribe


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