Happily, Ever After

Today, too many ladies are overwhelmed with their stature. They compare themselves with the ideal “hourglass” shape and reckon themselves to be shapeless or at least, not so beautiful. What they don’t realize is that their idea of beauty is influenced – especially by the media. In fact, the definition of beauty has gone through many revisions in history . At one time, fat women were considered the pride of men; at some other time, the thinnest were the most attractive. The media just erects an image and magnifies it, and everyone begins to compare themselves to it. That’s insane! Sometimes, to stop worrying, we must pause and say the Serenity Prayer: “ Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference .” That brings us to the first thing you must do to determine your happiness every time: Happiness begins with gratitude and continues with a positive attitude. (This is a ...