Renew Your Energy with a Good Laugh

Growing up in the streets of Lagos, I discovered that one prerequisite you must have in order to maintain your peace on a public bus is a good sense of humour. It is both a helmet and a breastplate, keeping you immune to mental, emotional and psychological attacks.

Interestingly, it is not only on the bus that you need this all-important tool. Today, tomorrow and the day after, you are likely going to be situations where emotions run strong and can tip off into anger, verbal exchange, and even physical attack and injury.

Whether in the office with a boss or colleague, at an airport, or in the market place, to keep your peace intact, forearm yourself with a good sense of humour with which you can also transmute attacks into raw materials for social bonding.

People are not necessarily bad, but when they are stressed, it is quite difficult for them to really be themselves and extend their goodness to you. Do not fall victim to ‘their other side’ lest you regret meeting them and form negative opinions about them that will hinder relationship and close doors of opportunities.

When used well, humour touches the soul and brings relief to all parties. It also helps people to recoil from the subjectivism that causes people to switch into attack-defence mode and see things objectively, thereby keeping things in good perspective and staying positive.

Abeg, who frowning epp? We are all drawn to people that make us laugh and laugh even harder. The reason is that such people really heal us and themselves in ways we might never know of. Laughter is good medicine. It is the most potent natural energy booster in the world. And guess what? It’s all yours for free!

But never poke fun at other people and always test whatever you intend to dole out on yourself first.

Nevertheless, come what may, guard your peace continually, for it is the wellspring of comfort, joy, health, passion and energy. Let your joy always be on repeat!

With a dose of laughter to lighten your burdens,

Bright UK
The Chief Scribe


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